Gurudwara Bhai Manj Da khooh, Sultanvind
Gurudwara Sri Bhai Manj Da Khooh is situated in Sultanvind Distt. Amritsar Bhai Manj Sahib Ji whose real name was ” Tiratha” , was a fore runner & preacher of this sultanate. He had ” Sakhi Sarvar Da Peerkhana ” at his home. Tiratha used to visit ” Nigahe Sarvar Pir ” every year. He was the “Chaudhary” of the Village. “Chaudhary” is the owner of the Village. He was very rich & was a well known person. Bhai Manj Ji was a resident of Village Kang Mai ( Distt. Hoshiarpur) & had two ” Peerkhana’s ” at his place. Every thursday he used to offer bread (rot) at the “Peerkhana” & used to take his Devotees for preaching. Sometimes he used to take his jatha ( group of Devotees) to “Nigaha”. In the year 1585, when Bhai ji was going back to his Village from ” Nigaha” , he stayed at Amritsar. At Amritsar, in the company of Sri Guru ARJUN Dev ji, he learnt about his living , life of Sikhs & preachings of ” SatGuru” which made him stay back at Amritsar. He had not seen such happiness, bloom & recogonition in his life. He also asked the “SatGuru” to grant him “Sikhism” to which Guru ARJUN Dev ji replied ” Purkha, Sikhi utte Sikhi nahin tikdi “. He asked him to firstly get rid off all the things which go against Sikhism, only then he will be able to accomplish Sikhism. When you follow Akal Purakh’s footsteps & follow the path of truth, you will need to tolerate the anger of common man also. So if you can give such a sacrifice, only then you can go along with Sikhism. Bhai Manj ji came back to his Village & first of all destroyed the “Peerkhana” & stopped praying to ” Sakhi Sarvar “. Fate took such a turn that his cattle started dying but still Bhai Ji remained unshaken, kept working with his full faith in Akal Purakh. After that he was taken off from the position of leader of the Village due to complaints recieved from people but he remained steady. Then Bhai Manj Ji came to Guru Arjan Dev ji & indulged himself into serving the “Guru Ghar”. Like this , he began to earn Sikhism. He took the job of collecting wood for public kitchen. Everyday, after listening to the Guru’s preachings & prayers, he used to go to the jungle to collect wood & while roaming he used to say that need not worry if false money has gone away, I have earned the true money. Bhai Manj Ji used to collect wood from a jungle near ” Sultan Wind “, where the Gurudwara has been built now. Such happened one day that when Bhai Ji was coming back to Amritsar with wood above his head, strong winds struck on the way. Bhai Ji kept walking taking care of the wood, a strong blow of wind struck him & he fell into a well. The well was shallow & the water level was also low. Bhai ji kept the wood above his head to make sure that they don’t get wet. He kept standing in the well the whole night & kept reciting the holy prayers. On the other side, when Guru Ji found that Bhai Manj Ji had not returned last night, he looked for him & found him inside a well. Guru ARJUN Dev ji along with his Sikhs ran towards the well & wanted to take Bhai Ji out by throwing a rope to which Bhai Ji replied that they should take out the wood first so that the public kitchen food could be cooked. Then only Bhai Manj Ji was taken out. Just when Bhai Ji was coming out, Guru Ji hugged him & recited & a shlok
” Manj Pyara Guru ko, Guru Manj Pyara ||
Manj Guru Bohitha Jug Langanhara”||
& Guru Sahib told Bhai Manj Ji that he has passed his test & could ask for anything he wishes to which Bhai Ji asked that he should never sway out of Sikhism & that he is able to follow the Sikh way of Life. Guru Sahib replied that you are already into Sikhism, ask for something else to which Bhai Ji requested Guru Sahib to never put any Sikh through such tough tests as it is “Kalyug’s” time & Sikhs won’t be able to take such tests. Also don’t take away the public kitchen food to which Guru Sahib replied that whatever you say would be accomplished & Guru Ji sent him to his home in Hoshiarpur to preach Sikhism.