Gurudwara Sri Patshahi Dasvin Sahib, Kotshamir

Gurudwara Sri Patshahi Dasvin Sahib is situated in Village Kotshamir district Bathinda. This village is situated on Bathinda Talwandi Sabo road. Sri Guru Gobind Singh ji came here while coming back from qilla mubarak Sahib Bathinda. Along with Guru Sahib was monster who later Guru Sahib sent to Fatehgarh Sahib. Local people served Guru Sahib with food and other services. Guru Sahib had datan with flahi and after that he burried it there. Which later on growed up to a tree. Even now a days there are many flahi trees in the area. From here Guru Sahib left for Talwandi Sabo ( Takht Sri Damdama Sahib)


Country: India
State: Punjab