Gurudwara Sri Guru Ka Mahal Atari Sahib, Daroli Bhai Ki

Gurudwara Sri Guru Ka Mahal atari Sahib is situated in the Village Daroli Bhai ki, district Moga. This place was residence of Bhai Saain Das ji Sadhu Sahib of Sri Guru HarGobind Sahib ji. They got a new house constructed. House was built very beutifull, they wished that if Guru Sahib first visits in that house then they will be blessed. Bhai Saain Das’s wife told them that they can request Guru Sahib. But Saain Das ji said they will only pray and if there prayer is accepted then Guru Sahib will himself come and stay there. And there prayer was accepted, Guru Sahib stayed there and used to come many times. That old house is still preserved as of original state. Some other belongings of Sri Guru HarGobind Sahib ji & Sri Guru Gobind Singh ji are also preserved here.

Gurdwara Sri Guru Ka Mehal Atari Sahib marks the site where Sri Guru Hargobind Sahib Ji would often visit and stay. This place was the home of Bhai Saain Das. Bhai Saain Das had a new house constructed. The house was very beautiful built and Bhai Saain Das wanted it to be blessed by Guru Hargobind.

Bhai Saain Das’s wife suggested asking Guru Hargobind but Bhai Saain Das said they only needed to pray and if their prayer was heard then Guru Ji would visit. Indeed after praying, Guru Hargobind visited and stayed at Bhai Saain Das’s home. Guru Hargobind returned many times.

The old house is still preserved in its original state and there many aritifacts belonging to Sri Guru Hargobind Sahib Ji and Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji.


City: Daroli Bhai Ki, Moga
State: Punjab
Country: India