Gurudwara Bhai Bahlol at Qadiwind

Qadiwind Village is within P.S., tehsil and district Kasur. A metalled road from Steel Bagh District Hospital Kasur leads to this Village. Tongas (horse driven carriages) going to this Village are easily available. The sacred place of Guru Amar Das Ji lies outside the Village. When Sat Gur was staying here, Divan Chand of Delhi came and requested some monument in the area of Village Tergy with his wealth so that his name may be remembered even after his death. With his consent a water tank and residential rooms were constructed by Guru Ji. The land presented to Guru belonged to Bhai Bahlol of Qadiwind. Later Samadh of Bhai Bahlol was built. A fair used to be held on the 7th Saradhan.

The tank constructed by Guru Ji has now become a pond of dirty water. The Samadh of Bhai Ji is about to collapse. Government School is housed in the rooms of Gurdwara and the land is in the possession of Waqf Board.
The well known Punjabi writer Baba Sohan Singh Sital was a resident of this Village. His house and garden are still there but are under the occupation of refugees from Mewat.


State: Kasur Punjab
Country: Pakistan
City: Qadiwind