Gurudwara Sahib Pusing, Perak

In the late 19′ Century, there were several tin mines located in Batu Gajah and the Pusing / Papan area. The early Sikh arrivals were employed as general workers as well as security guards in these tin mines. Some of these Sikhs were also dairy farmers and bullock cart operators, which was then the main mode of transportation in Malaya.
There were three Sikh Gurdwaras in the Pusing area;

(a) Gurdwara Sahib Sri Guru Singh Sabha located along Jalan Seputih. Baba Wadawa Singh Ghuman was the founder of the Sri Guru Singh Sabha in Pusing and remained its Secretary till the end. When this Gurdwara Sahib closed, all the Sabha’s property was donated to the Guru Nanak Institution, Ipoh.
(b) Gurdwara Sahib Modh Wala, Pusing. This Gurdwara Sahib no longer exists.
(c) Gurdwara Sahib Pusing (also known as Gurdwara Shahid)

The Sikh community of Pusing built the Gurdwara Sahib Pusing in 1892, on a piece land, which is about three acres in size. The present Gurdwara Sahib building was constructed in 1926 and repaired on several occasions.

To celebrate the centenary (one hundredth anniversary) of the founding of the Gurdwara Sahib Pusing (also known as Gurdwara Shahid), a large religious procession was held in Pusing on 31″ December 1992. Nearly 2,000 Sikhs from all over Malaysia accompanied a beautifully decorated chariot, in which was placed the Sikh Holy Book, Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji. The procession, accompanied by the Panj Piyarae, commenced from the town of Papar, which is about three kilometres from the Gurdwara Sahib Pusing. The procession was led by the Granthi, Giani Harjinder Singh, in full traditional regalia on horseback followed by the kirtan jatha singing religious hymns. There was a fireworks display at night followed by various groups singing religious hymns throughout the night. The next morning, New Year’s Day 1″ January 1993, the Nishan Sahib was raised in the Gurdwara Sahib Pusing.

The Gurdwara Sahib Pusing was extensively renovated in the early 1990s. At the same time, another Darbar Sahib was also built a few yards away from the old Gurdwara Sahib building to cater for the large number of visitors who wish to hold religious programmes.

Bhai Ujagar Singh Gill Villahe Kambo Dhaiwala, Amritsar served as a Granthi in this Gurdwara Sahib for more than 22 years from 1942 to 1964. Prior to this, Bhai Ujagar Singh had served in the Gurdwara Sahib Menglembu Regrouping Area, Ipoh from 1932 to 1942. Since 1995, Mata Satvinder Kaur Village Ajram, Hoshiarpur, has been performing the duties of a Granthi in this Gurdwara Sahib.

The Management Committee comprises of the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and four committee members. There are about ten Sikh families residing around the Pusing area who participate in the religious activities held in this Gurdwara Sahib. There are about 30 Sikh students who study Gurmukhi in the Gurdwara Sahib Pusing.

An Akhand Path programme (the continuous reading of the Holy Book, Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji for 48 hours) is usually held every Friday to Sunday morning by the Sikh Sangat from all over Malaysia and Singapore. As there are two Darbar Sahibs in the Pusing Gurdwara Sahib, two religious programmes can also be held simultaneously.

There are seven rooms available in this Gurdwara Sahib that may be booked by Sikh visitors. However, priority is given to Sikh families holding the Akhand Path ceremony. Prior arrangements must be made for these rooms with the President or Secretary of Gurdwara Sahib Pusing.

Sikh Gurudwaras in Malaysia&Singapore
Saran Singh Sidhu AMN,PNM,FRNS


City: Pusing
State: Perak
Country: Malaysia
Post Code: 31550