Sri Guru Nanak Prakash Singh Sabha (Bristol Sikh Temple)

Sri Guru Nanak Prakash Singh Sabha Gurdwara, also known as Bristol Sikh Temple was established in Bristol during 1958 at 8 St. Marks Road, Easton, Bristol. At that time there were around 10-14 Sikh homes in Bristol, in the early days there were times where these few Sikh families raised the Gurdwara mortgage payment each month.

By the mid seventies, the community had grown and a search began for larger premises. In 1977, the present building 71,73 & 75 Fishponds Road was acquired. These premises were first erected some time between 1880-1900 and had been used by the Bristol Omnibus Company as offices and staff accommodation until the nearby bus garage closed in 1968. Nos. 71-5 then became variously offices, shops and temporary warehousing with a bank in one part until it’s conversion into a Gurdwara..

At that time, a deposit was required in order to purchase the new Gurdwara on mortgage. Community members were to be selected to become trustees of the new Gurdwara and also provide a share of the deposit required.

The five members below became trustees of the Gurdwara and each paid a substantial contribution in 1977 towards the purchase cost of the Gurdwara building, which was bought for �20,000.

Phoman Das Singh Potiwal (late)

Harbajan Singh Lakhanpal (late)

Karnail Singh Pardesi

Nagina Singh Potiwal

Vesraj Singh Potiwal

Unfortunately, two trustees are no longer with us, but are remembered for their valued contributions.

Between the years 1999 and 2004, Bristol Sikh Temple has undergone major renovation to bring it up to modern day standards. Luxurious fixtures and fittings are now part of our Gurdwara with a large Diwan Hall, Langar Hall, Kitchen, Elderly Langar facilities, Disabled Toilet and much much more including dedicated classrooms, offices and storerooms.

We today are proud of the hard work and sacrifices made by the minority of Sikhs in Bristol in the early days.


State: Bristol
Country: United Kingdom
Post Code: BS5 6SF