Gurduara Baba Nanak Dev Ji- Jalalabad

Gurdwara Guru Nanak Darbar is within the city. Gurdwara Khalsa Diwan had 7 old manuscripts handwritten in Samwat 1792, 1822, 1838, 1868 and 1911 and a Dasam Granth of Samwat 1907. It had 260 houses of Sikhs with a population of 1500 as recorded by Dr Ganda Singh. They are either in business or local doctors (Hakims) Every day after bathing in the Kabul River, Guru Nanak held congregation and gave message of Unity in God, universal brotherhood and truthful living. There is a historical well within the premises of the Gurdwara. In the last few years this well had almost dried up but now, after supplications of the followers, the water here has sprung again. The followers come here to take bath at this sacred place. Devotees gather here twice a year during the festival of Vaiskhai and on Guru Nanak’s birthday. Before the conflicts in Afghanistan, Sikhs and Hindus from Kabul, Kandahar, Ghazni, Paktia, Khost and other parts of the country came here and camped for 8 days in celebrations of the religious festivals. After taking bath in the sacred pool disciples went to the nearby Gurdwara where they listened to holy hymns and discourses.


State: Jalalabad
Country: Afghanistan