Singh Sabha Gurdwara of Austin

The Singh Sabha Gurdwara of Austin* represents the work and aspirations of the larger sangat around Austin, Texas. The Gurdwara has been holding continuous regular Gurdwara Diwans since 1995 in various rented spaces. The Gurdwara was formally incorporated as 501(c)(3) organization in 2003.

We hold regular Diwan on first Saturday of every month. More Information can be found on Dewan & Langar page.

We also do weekly Kids Classes at homes of various Sangat Members. More information can be found on Kids Class page.

Fortunately, our sangat has grown to the point where we saw the need to have our own building to better serve the needs of our community. Today, we are several steps closer towards that goal. We acquired the land for the Gurdwara and have started constructing phase-1 of Gurdwara building. Location of the Gurdwara is 6404 J M Holloway Lane, Austin TX 78724.

The Singh Sabha Gurdwara of Austin (SSGA) was initially started in 1995 as a Chapter of the Sikh Study Circle of Irving, Texas and it was formally established and registered with the State of Texas in May of 2003 as a non-profit tax exempt organization.


City: Austin
State: Texas
Country: United States Of America
Post Code: 78724