Gurdwara Sis Ganj (Mohalla Kainth Majri)

Gurdwara Sis Ganj (Mohalla Kainth Majri) – When Guru Gobind Singh passed through Ambala on his way to Kurukshetra in 1702, he alighted under a tree near the potter’s huts. Mehar Dhumian, now an old man, told him about the stranger with basket who had stayed under the same tree 27 years earlier. When Guru Gobind Singh related to him the story of his father’s martyrdom and of the courageous Devotee who had conveyed the former Guru’s severed head to Anandpur, Mehar Dhumian bowed to him in awe and wonder. The story spread and many people assembled to see Guru Gobind Singh, who held a congregation (satsang) there. The Guru is also said to have visited the house where Bhai Jaita had stayed overnight. Both places became holy for the Devotees who established tharas (platforms) at them where they occasionally assembled for prayers. Gurdwara Satsant Sahib remained in private hands till 1934 when a local committee was formed to manage it. A new building was raised during 1935. Further Development has taken place since. A large hall now encloses the old double-storey domed structure. To acquire Gurdwara Sis Ganj the Sikhs had to fight a court case, which going in their favour, the newly formed Sriomani Gurdwara Committee took it over in 1926. All the five Gurdwaras are now administered by S.G.P.C. through a local committee, which has its office at Gurdwara Manji Sahib (Baoli Sahib).

Another Muslim saint, Pir Arif Din, enjoying great respect visited Lakhnaur and bowed before the child Guru. His disciples resented this action of the holyrnan. The Pir quietened them, by saying that he had bowed before none else than the Lord, whom he saw manifested in the child.

Gurdwara Lakhnaur Sahib is associated with the Tenth Guru, Guru Gobind Singh Ji. Lakhnaur was the ancestral home of Mata Gujri Ji, the mother of Guru Gobind Singh. Guruji came to this place with his mother and uncles from Patna and spent some time here. The Muslim cleric, Pir Bhikhan Shah met the young Guru at this place. Another Muslim cleric, Pir Arif Din also paid obeisance to the young Guru at this place. Guruji spent his time playing with his friends. Mata Gujri’s well, Sarovar and Baoli are remnants of the visit of Guru Gobind Singh Ji to this Village. Among the other articles associated with the Guru and his family on display here include are the Guru’s bed, Mata Gujri’s bed, weapons and utensils used in the langar


Bhai Jaita’s plan was to rest for the night and then continue onwards. One Mehar Dhumian directed Bhai Jaita to a house where he spent the night. This is where Gurdwara Sri Sis Ganj Sahib Ambala, in Mohalla Kainth Majri, now stands. After resting for the night, Bhai Jaita continued on his journey towards Anandpur.

When Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji passed through Ambala on his way to Kurukshetra in 1702, he alighted under a tree near the potter’s huts. Mehar Dhumian, now an old man, told him about the stranger with basket who had stayed under the same tree 27 years earlier. When Guru Gobind Singh related to him the story of his father’s martyrdom and of the courageous Sikh who had conveyed the former Guru’s severed head to Anandpur, Mehar Dhumian bowed to him in awe and wonder. The story spread and many people assembled to see Guru Gobind Singh, who held a congregation (satsang) there. The Guru is also said to have visited the house where Bhai Jaita had stayed overnight. Both places became holy for the Sikhs who established tharas (platforms) at them where they occasionally assembled for prayers.

Gurdwara Sri Sat Sang Sahib remained in private hands till 1934 when a local committee was formed to manage it. A new building was raised during 1935. Further development has taken place since. A large hall now encloses the old double-storey domed structure. To acquire Gurdwara Sri Sis Ganj Sahib Ambala the Sikhs had to fight a court case, which going in their favour, the newly formed Shriomani Gurdwara Committee took it over in 1926. All five Gurdwaras in Ambala are now administered by the SGPC through a local committee, which has its office at Gurdwara Sri Manji Sahib Ambala (Baoli Sahib).


City: Ambala City
State: Haryana
Country: India
Post Code: 134003