Gurudwara Imli Sahib – Indore

Gurdwara Imli Sahib, situated in Indore in Madhya Pardesh.
In the year, 1568 Guru Nanak Dev Ji in the way of his itinerary diverted from southern states to the north-west and reached Indore. It is centrally located and innumerable Devotees assure spiritual knowledge, peace and bliss here.

Indore has a special place in the Indian History, for it has roots for Sikhism through several Sikh Gurus who have visited this holy city time to time. The Gurudwara lmli sahib which is a Sikh holy place situated in Indore has its sacred importance because of Guru Nanak Devji’s visit here on the way to the Southern States, when he diverted to reach this place. It was in 1568 that the Guru ji made his visit to this holy shrine and thus lmli has its special importance and greatness in several ways. Every day prayers and preaching go on here and innumerable devotees throng this Gurudwara regularly.

The centrally located lmli Gurudwara of Indore has a great history behind it. Gurudwara Charan Paduka Betma Sahib is also in a nearby small village of Betma. Betma which is a town and also a Panchayat in the Indore District of Madhya Pradesh is famous for its holy Gurudwara which carries special historical importance. One can find along with lmli Gurudwara, other Gurudwaras also in this special city which is now taken care by Sri Guru Singh Sabha of Indore. Sabat Surat Sikhs are special division person who have more attachment to this holy place in its maintenance and happens to be an Amritdhari meaning a baptized Sikh to do service in this place.

The nearby cities to this holy shrine are: Sakar City, Rewati, Solsindha, Dharampuri.


State: Madhya Pradesh
Country: India
City: Indore