Gurdwara Sanjhiwal Singh Sabha Salzburg

The Singh Sabha Gurdwara Sanjhiwal found its justification in April 2002, with the emergence of many believers made ??a great contribution. This place of worship is the first Gurdwara in Salzburg. Thus, it was a great challenge to build this. The aim of the establishment of a Sikh temple in Salzburg was the Sikh faith, also abroad, where Sikhs live to maintain. For it is noticeable that the Sikh faith is losing more and more followers and believers. This is especially true on the current generation living abroad. However, this should be prevented and it is a concern of Sikhs worldwide to maintain their faith even in further generations. Gurdwaras, as well as the Singh Sabha Gurdwara Sanjhiwal, recognizable from the outside on the yellow flag (Nishan Sahib), the symbol of the Khalsa.


Country: Austria
Post Code: 5020
City: Salzburg