Gurudwara Dera Sahib Panjvin Patshahi, Lahore

Gurdwara Dera Sahib is situated opposite Lahore Fort near BadShahi Mosque. This is the place where Sat Gur Arjun Dev Ji was martyred in the River Ravi facing the tortures inflicted by Chandu on 30th May 1606 AD.


The site where Guru Arjun Dev was martyred a Thara (platform) Sahib was built at by Guru HarGobind Ji in Samvat 1619 when he came to Lahore visiting Gur Asthans. Later Maharaja Ranjit Singh constructed a building of the Gurdwara which was very small


In 1909 AD construction of Parakashasthan and Manji Sahib was started for the Parakash of Guru Granth Sahib.Arrangement for daily diwan were made. Inn for the residence of the pilgrims were also costructed.In 1925 AD a local committee was constituted by Shiromni Committee in the wake of Gurdwara reform movement. In 1927 Shiromni Committee took over the charge of Gurdwara and its construction restarted on the 21st April 1930 AD which was completed on 9th Sept 1934 AD. The domes were gold-plated. Floors were cemented. The front of Gurdwara is built in marble.Parakash takes place daily. Evacuee Waqf Board has appointed two Granthis. International sangats are held every year on Shaheedi Jor Mela, Visakhi, Death Anniversary of Maharaja Ranjit Singh and birthday of Sat Gur Guru Nanak Dev Ji.


In November 1996, Govt of Pakistan built 47 roomed Mian Mir Block for visitors. Guru’s langar serves round the clock 


Gurudwara Dehra Sahib is situated opposite the Royal mosque or Shahi Masjid. At the place, after torturing, the fifth Guru was drowned into the Ravi. At that time, the Ravi flowed along the wall of the fort. The Guru after enduring the most unheard and unseen tortures, without repining, merged into the eternal light on 30th May,1606.In A.D. 1619, when the sixth Guru HarGobind visited this historical place, he got a memorial rostrum built here to commemorate the martyrdom of his Guru-father. Maharaja Ranjit Singh got built a small but beautiful Gurdwara. As there was no congregational hall attached to this place, the present hall was foounded in A.D. 1909 and daily congregations were regularly held. A sarai was got built for the convenience of the pilgrims. The marble gate was erected. The Flag post was fixed nearby. The Gurdwara has a square passage-way inside. In 1925 A.D. a local committee was formed during the Gurdwara Reform Movement that render a good service to this Shrine. In A.D. 1927, the S.G.P.C. took over the management and started rebuilding a Gurdwara on 21th April, 1930. That was completed on 9th September, 1934 wherein on both sides of the Gurdwara was clay area which was paved. Domes were gold plated. The number of Devotees in daily congregations increased. Another scheme to extend the hall was chalked out but due to the partition of the country, that could not be accomplished. On 9th September 1947, the Sikhs had to leave this Gurdwara too. The recitation of Sri Guru Granth Sahib at this Gurdwara continues to date. Two Singh render daily service to this Shrine. Every year at the occasion of the martyrdom of Guru Arjan Dev Ji (On Shahidi Jor Mela) Sikh Devotees visit the Shrine to pay homage to the great Guru.


Country: Pakistan