Gurudwara Dhodh Wala Khooh Sahib, NanakMata


Gurdwara Dudh Wala Khuh Sahib is associated with the first Guru, Guru Nanak Dev ji who came here during his Third UDasi or travel in 1514 A.D. The yogis who inhabited this place possessed a large number of cows. Bhai Mardana expressed a desire for milk. Guru ji told him to ask the yogis for some milk. However, they refused to give him any milk and taunted him by telling him to get milk from his Guru. By virtue of his spiritual powers, Guru Sahib drew all the milk from the cows of the yogis and stored it in a well. It is said that the water of this well tasted like milk. Since that time, this well is called the Dudh Wala Khuh, or the Well of Milk.The main gurpurab celebrated here is the birthday of Guru Nanak Dev ji.

Gurudwara Doodh Wala Khooh is situated in NanakMata, Distt Udham Singh Nagar. This Gurudwara Sahib is situated near to the main Gurudwara NanakMata Sahib. Guru Nanak Dev ji was sitting on the this well. Sidh’s with there powers dried up the milk of Cows and Buffaloes of the near by area. Then they asked Guru Sahib to serve them with milk. Guru Sahib asked Bhai Mardana ji to take Milk from well and serve Sidhs, Bhai Mardana ji obeying to Guru Sahib got a bowl filled with milk from well and gave to Sidhs. All the sidhs drank milk to there capacity but still the bowl was full. When sidhs looked into the well it was full of milk. Sidhs had bow down in front of Guru Sahib. With taking bath at this well people will be blessed with Child.


Gurdwara Dudh Wala Khuh Sahib is located in the town of Nanak Mata, district Udham Singh Nagar, near Gurdwara Nanak Mata Sahib


State: Uttrakhand
Country: India
City: Nanakmata