Gurudwara Manji Sahib at Manakdeke Distt Kasur
This Village is at a distance of about 2 kms from Kangan Pur and is served by Kangan Pur Railway station. It is in tehsil Chunian of Kasur Distt. Sat Guru had cursed its people to be scattered and this Village looks like a deserted place even today. The whole Village is built with mud. People work in other cities. Manji Sahib of Sat Gur Nanak Dev Ji has been built in baked bricks in a street outside the Village facing Government Primary School. Refugees from Mewat are living in it now. Once there used to be the Prakash of Guru Granth Sahib but for the last 50 years it has not taken place. The people of the town are still kind and loving.