Gurudwara Nanak Piao, Delhi

Gurudwara Nanak Piao is associated with the first Guru Sri Nanak Dev. The great Guru visited Delhi in June 1505 or thereabout. He camped on the outskirts of Delhi in a garden now situated on the Grand Trunk Road outside old Subumandi. Exact location of this garden is on Rana Pratap Road beyond Gurmandi, adjoining State Bank colony. Here, now stands, a grand building of the gurdwara to commemorate the visit of the holy Guru who graced this place about 500 years ago in the reign of Sultan Sikander Shah Lodhi. People of Delhi used to flock in large numbers to pay homage to the great prophet who delivered sermons in music and poetry. They not only began to worship Guru Nanak and brought precious offerings for him but also bestowed countless gifts to his bard Mardana. The Guru distributed all the offerings, he received, among the poor and needy. Here the Guru served water to the thirsty and food to hungry. The well from which he served water is still well maintained and fully protected. According to Sikh traditions any and every place visited by the Guru becomes a hallow. Consequently Gurdwara Nanak Piao attained a status of holy Shrine. Guru, was an apostle of peace, brotherhood, non-violence and amity. His sermons created very healthy impact on the people who bowed before him for his spiritual attainments. In fact, the garden became a place of pilgrimage for the people from where they got the message of deliverance. A story goes that during his stay in Delhi Guru Nanak by his grace revived a dead elephant, Emperor Sikander Shah Lodhi came to know that a holy man had won the admiration of all the Rindu and Muslim divines of De]hi and had brought a dead elephant to life. It is said that when one of the royal elephants died he sent for the Guru and requested him to revive his elephant too. But the Guru refused to oblige him. Consequently the Guru was immediately imprisoned. In the prison his deep compassion for the suffering of prisoners had a great moral and spiritual influence on the prison officials. They informed the Emperor that Guru Nanak was not an idolator and that as a saint he was greatly respected both by Hindus and Muslims.

A strange thing happened during the imprisonment of Guru Nanak. A great earthquake shook the capital on July 3, 1505. According to a chronicler “the mountains were overturned and lofty edifices were Dashed to the ground. The living thought the day of judgement had come and for dead the day of resurrection”.Many thought that the new Faqir Nanak who had been imprisoned by the Emperor had cursed the King and the empire. This or some other equally strong influence like the intervention of the Chisti Sufi saints changed the mind of Emperor and he ordered the release of the Guru Nanak and at his reqest many other prisoners.

Gurdwara Nanak Piao is located on the Grand Trunk Road (National Highway-1) between Rana Pratap Bagh and Azadpur, New Delhi.

This gurdwara is associated with the First Guru, Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji. During his eastern tour in 1505, Guru Nanak Dev Ji visited Delhi. He camped in a garden on the outskirts of Delhi. Many people came to visit him here and soon, a free kitchen was started for wayfarers, who got food and water from a baoli or well.


The Secretary, Management Committee,
Gurdwara Nanak Piyao,
Grand Trunk Road (National Highway-1),
New Rana Pratap Bagh,
New Delhi,
Pin code 110033

Phone Nos. : 91-11-27425466


City: New Delhi
Country: India
Post Code: 110033