Gurudwara Panjvin Patshahi , Hanjrai
The Village Hanjrai is located on Lahore-Multan road. It is twenty kilometers towards River Ravi from Pattoki town. A metalled road leads to Hanjra from Pattoki. The Gurdwara of Guru Arjun Dev Ji is located in the eastern side of.the Village. It is the place where Guru Arjun Dev settled the long standing boundary dispute between two brothers, Jatri and Hanjra and established the boundary between the two Villages. Gur Dev Ji graced both the Villages by his presence.
Initially the Gurdwara was a simple construction but subsequently the Village sangat built it
with bricks and mortar. Gurdwara is closed since 1947. The tank has now become a pool of stagnated water.