Gurudwara Sri Bunga Sahib, Bunga

Gurudwara Sri Bunga Sahib is situated in Village Bunga district. Ropar, 5 km south of Kiratpur Sahib on Kiratpur Ropar road. It is situated on the left side while coming from Kiratpur Sahib to Ropar. Gurudwara Sri Bunga Sahib, also called Gurudwara Sri Chubachcha Sahib, dedicated to Sri Guru Har Rai Sahib. Guru Sahib complying with his predecessor`s instruction, continued to maintain at Kiratpura body of armed sikhs, 2,200 strong. Bunga was the place where their horses were kept. At the back of the Gurudwara Sahib, there is a row of rooms one of which has within it a square pit symbolizing the original chubachcha or trough where the horse feed was mixed. From this the Shrine came to be called Chubachcha Sahib. The main building of the Shrine stands on a high base, about 10 metres above the level of the canal bank. A doublestoreyed gateway opens out on the main hall.


City: Kiratpur Sahib
State: Punjab
Country: India