Gurudwara Sri Gurusar Sahib, Mehraj

This Gurdwara is situated at a distance of 45 Km from Bathinda City and 6 Km Northwest of town Rampura Phul in Village Mehraj.

Once followers of Sixth Sikh Guru, Shri Guru Hargobind Sahib Ji , from Kabul and Peshawar, purchased two Arabian horses out of their Daswandh (1/10th part of the income). They were coming to have glimpse of Guru Ji and present him two horses as an offering. When they reached Lahore, the Mughals on seeing the horses, wanted to capture them. The Sikh followers requested that they have to present these horses to Guru Ji as an offering, but Mughals forcibly took away both the horses and sent them to Mughal Emperor Shahjahan. Thereafter, the followers reached before Guru Ji who was at Village Bhai Rupa at that time. Bhai Bakhat Mal and Bhai Tara Chand, who had come alongwith followers, requested Guru Ji that we were coming alongwith two horses as an offering to you, but Mughals took away both the horses at Lahore, we want that you should ride those horses. Guru Ji said that I had received your offering at the time you started your journey, but your wish would be fulfilled by the blessings of Guru Nanak and horses would reach our house. Then Bhai Biddhi Chand Ji , a follower of Guru Ji , took Guru Ji’s blessings and brought one horse back in the disguise of a horse-caretaker and second horse in the disguise of a fortune-teller. Guru Ji changed their names from Gulbag and Dilbag to Jan Bhai and Suhela.

On the other hand, Mughal Emperor Shahjahan got angry. He sent Lalla Beg, the Fauzdar of kabul alongwith 35000 Mughal army to fight a battle against Guru Ji. Guru Ji had Divine Powers, so he knew everything. One Chaudhry named Rai Jodh requested Guru Ji to come to his Fort to fight the battle, but Guru Ji said that the brave men fight in the open. To save all the Villagers from destruction, Guru Ji left Village Bhai Rupa and came to this place outside Village Maraj , where now Gurdwara Gurusar sahib Mehraj is situated. This place is 3 Km South of Village Mehraj.

Guru Ji took up position around a Pool of water, which was only source of water at that time in the area. Guru Ji did not have much arms and ammunition. He had only 3000 Sikh soldiers, 500 soldiers of Rai Jodh and 500 soldiers of Rai Jodh’s brother, totalling to 4000 soldiers. The Sikh soldiers fought very bravely. It was the Month of December and and because of extreme cold, Mughals could not fight properly. Bhai Biddhi Chand killed Shamas Beg, Bhai Jetha Ji killed Qasam Beg and Rai Jodh killed Qamar Beg. Guru Ji’s horse won martyrdom while saving Guru Ji from two attacks of Lalla Beg. Guru Ji went to battlefield on foot and killed Lalla Beg and Kabli Beg. When all the Mughal commanders got killed, the Mughal army started to run away. The Sikh soldiers killed about 34000 Mughals, while many Mughals ran away to save their lives. After winning the battle, Guru Ji got a well dug up where Muslim soldiers were buried. The Sikh soldiers were cremated. In this battle Bhai Jetha Ji , Bhai Sukhia Ji , Bhai Mandan Ji and hunderds of Sikhs won martyrdom. Guru Ji blessed this place as a Pilgrim Place equal to Kurukshetra (a Pilgrim Place of Hindus in Haryana State).

Gurudwara Sri Gurusar Sahib is situated in the Village mehraj, near Rampuraphull district Bathinda. When Bhai Bidhi chand ji brought second horse from lahore fort Sri Guru HarGobind Sahib ji was at Village Kangar with Rai Jodh. At the time of leaving lahore fort Bhai Bidhi chand had informed mughal authorities that this horse belonged to Sri Guru HarGobind Sahib ji and his name is Bidhi chand. Earlier also he had taken horse to Guru Sahib and is taking this horse to Guru Sahib. When Bhai Bidhi chand ji reached Guru Sahib, he explained the whole story. So it was sure that mughal army will be following and there will big battle. Guru Sahib with the help of local people choose this place as it was having water resource. Guru Sahib camped where Gurudwara Sri Patshahi Chevin Sahib is situated. The mughal army of 35000 following Guru Sahib also reached here. Guru Sahib was having the army of 4000 sikhs. A big battle was fought here. Bhai Jetha died here in the battle. Guru Sahib won the battle. Guru Sahib got a well digged up and cremated all the dead sol


State: Punjab
Country: India