Gurudwara Sri Hatt Sahib, Sultanpur Lodhi

Gurudwara Sri Hatt Sahib, Sultanpur Lodhi, south of the old for tresslike serai, marks the spot where Guru Nanak worked as the custodian of Nawab Daulat Khan`s provision stores.

The building comprises a hall, with a square sanctum in its middle. Above the sanctum is a square room with wide arched coping and a lotus dome topped by a gold plated finial. Thirteen polished stones of different sizes, believed to be the weights used by Guru Nanak, are on display in a glass cabinet.

Gurudwara Sri Hatt Sahib is situated in the Sultanpur lodhi city in Kapurthala district. Guru Nanak Dev ji got job in nawab daulat khaan’s provision store on recomendation of his brother in law jairam. At this sacred place was situated the store of nawab and Guru Sahib used work here. Stones used by Guru Sahib as weights are also placed here.


City: Sultanpur Lodhi
State: Punjab
Country: India