Sikh Temple Association of Fresno

The Sikh Association of Fresno is a community based, a non-profit organization, which was established in 1986 to build a stronger Sikh Community that will contribute positively to the Society and Sikh Diaspora living in the western world. The Association treasures the ethos and principles of the Sikh Heritage and Culture that steered Sikhs away from the ill facets of life that Sikhism did not stand for.

Sardar Harbans Singh in his iconic work, The Heritage of the Sikhs, writes, that Singh Sabha movement which began in the late 19th century, influenced the entire Sikh Community and reoriented its outlook and spirit. “Since the days of the Gurus, nothing so vital had transpired to fertilize the consciousness of the Sikhs. The Singh Sabha by leavening the intellectual and cultural processes brought a new dimension to the inner life of the community and enlarged its heritage…it marked a turning point in Sikh history. It touched Sikhi to its very roots and made it a living force once again. The stimulus it provided has shaped the Sikhs’ attitude and aspiration over the past one hundred years.” The Sikh Association and its leadership believe in carrying forward these principles. In its own humble way, the management of the Association is determined to play a pivotal role in the spread of Gurbani, Punjabi language, Culture, Sikh history and traditions among all walks of life.


Post Code: 93722
City: Fresno
State: California
Country: United States of America