Sikh Temple of Wisconsin

The Sikh Temple of Wisconsin was established on October 1, 1997. It started with a few families and the sangat (congregation) gathered in the rental community halls in the south side of Milwaukee. In October 1999 Sikh Temple of Wisconsin was formally established in the 441 E Lincoln Ave, Milwaukee location. At this time there are 450-500 people in the congregation. The hall and parking lot had outgrown the needs of the Sangat and a new Gurdwara was built in Oak Creek to better serve the needs of the growing community.

Sikh Temple of Wisconsin bought 13 acres of land at 7512 S Howell Ave near the airport in Oak Creek. The construction of 17,500 sq feet Gurdwara was completed on April 13th 2007. This beautiful brick building has a library, educational area for children, play area and ample parking. It provides space for childcare of infants and small children. There are instruction in reading, writing and speaking of Punjabi language with a recently started mentoring program. There are accommodations for visiting ragi jathas (priests) from around the country and the world.


City: Oak Creek
State: Wisconsin
Country: United States Of America
Post Code: 53154