Gurduara Khalsa Diwan,Chashma Sahib

Guru Nanak Dev Ji visited district Surkh-Ro-d of Nangarha-r Province in Afghanistan on his return from Baghdad and Mecca to India in the 16th century. At that time the locals in this region had a water shortage. They asked Guru Nanak for help and said to him “You are a messenger of God, please pray to God to relieve us from the water shortages”. Guru Nanak listened to their problem and acted upon by pointing a stick to the nearby ground where a spring of water surfaced. There was no water shortage at this place from that day onward. The water needs of locals were fulfilled. Thereafter Sri Chashma Sahib has become a place of pilgrimage.

Visiting number of places around, they reached near Sultanpur village at Naunagar “ hill feature. There are three springs one on the name of Baba Nanak, another on the name of Bhai Bal and the third on the name of Bhai Mardana). The complex was controlled by Karam Singh Bedi at the time of Giani Gian Singh’s visit and recitation of Sri Guru Granth Sahib was regular. Here spiirtually powerful faqir Abul Ghaus used to live on a hill feature and had the control of s spring. Mardana went to him for water but was rebuked by him. He came sullen to Guru Nanak who blessed the area with the three springs. All Hindus and Muslims se the water of these three springs and believe in Guru Nanak.


Country: Afghanistan
City: Jalalabad