Gurudwara Chakki Sahib, Tanda

Gurudwara Sri Chakki Sahib is situated in the Village Tanda, Kicha, Distt Udham Singh Nagar. Gurudwara Sri Chakki Sahib can be reached from Rudarpur (Distt. Head of Udham Singh Nagar) and Kicha. Guru Nanak Dev Ji came here on the request of Bhai Hara ji, with Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s order Bhai Bala ji and Mardana ji stayed undercover for some time. Guru Sahib transformed himself into a child and sat there. Ruhela Pathaan caught Guru Sahib (Child) and he sold Guru Sahib (Child) to another merchant. When merchant who bought Guru Sahib(Child) asked Guru Sahib (Child) to graze the Sheeps. On this Guru Sahib (Child) told the merchant that if he will touch any of the sheep with his stick, she will die there and then. Merchant wanted to make sure if this is true, so he insisted Guru Sahib (Child) to do the same. And soon when Guru Sahib (Child) touched the sheep, she died.(Now Gurudwara Mar Jiwala Sahib is situated at this sacred place). When Guru Sahib touched the dead Sheep with his stick once again, she regained her senses and life again. Then merchant asked Guru Sahib (Child) to grind wheat on wheat mill. Guru Sahib (Child) did the same but grinded wheat’s quantity stoped to the limit of handful amount. Even after continous process of Grinding it was not increasing. Then the wife of Merchant rasied the voice and said “This child is some sacred soul of a saint”. On this Merchant felt Guru Sahib (Child) presence and fell on thei feet. Guru Sahib (Child) told this merchant to Stop the human trade in future.


State: Uttrakhand
Country: India
City: Village Tanda