Gurudwara Ghaat Sahib, Tanda

Gurudwara Ghat Sahib is situated in the Village Tanda, Kicha, Distt Udham Singh Nagar. Gurudwara Sahib can be reached from Rudarpur (Distt. Head of Udham Singh Nagar) and Kicha. Guru Nanak Dev Ji came here on the request of Bhai Hara ji, with Guru Sahib’s order Bhai Bala ji and Mardana ji stayed undercover for some time. Guru Sahib transformed himself into a child and sat there.

Ruhela Pathaan caught Guru Sahib (Child) and he sold Guru Sahib (Child) to a third merchant. When merchant who bought Guru Sahib (Child) asked Guru Sahib (Child) to fetch water from well. The pitcher that Guru Sahib (Child) got to fetch the water from the well was 1 feet above than Guru Sahib’s (Child) head. Guru Sahib (Child) asked Khwaza Khizar not to give water without Guru Sahib’s order. Soon after this all the well went dry. Merchant send Guru Sahib (Child) to River Bank(GHat), but it was also dry(Today Gurudwara Ghat Sahib is situated at this sacred place). On this Pathan’s of nearby area assembled together in a Masjid (Mosque) where Guru Sahib (Child) told all of them that “If you stop Human Trade with effect from now, only then the Khuda (God) will listen to your prayers. After this all the Pathan’s said “NO” to the bad deeds and human trade thereafter. . Guru Sahib (Child) asked Khwaza Khizar to give the water again, soon all the rivers and wells of the nearby area were flooded with ample amount of water. After seeing this wonder of Guru Sahib (Child), all the pathaans felt the greatness of Guru Sahib’s (Child); all fell in his feet and asked to forgive them. Thats how Guru Sahib preached all the pathaan’s of this area including Ruhela Pathaan and blessed Bhai Hara Singh Ji with a new name “Kalyaan Singh”.


State: Uttrakhand
Country: India
City: Village Tanda