These are any time programs, morning or evening, but are usually undertaken in the morning Gurdwara sessions.


Katha is preaching or giving a sermon – Mostly it is a talk based on Gurbani, Sikh History (happening), or explanation of a chapter out of some standard book like Suraj-Parkash. It may be undertaken after Kirtan, or after Hukam, but before distribution of Parshad. Kathakar – the preacher, mostly sits cross-legged on the floor, or in Tabeaa – in service (attendance) behind the Holy Granth. The management may fix up the days and times for such programs. In Gurdwaras, such programs are mostly set up in the afternoon.
Katha by the Kathakar (Preacher) is usually for one hour at a fixed time, and is a regular and not a sporadic feature.
Katha of Guru Granth Sahib can be divided into its many features, so that this section gets completed in a short time.
. A feature e.g. Bhagat Bani, Bhattan Dee Banee, etc., or a section of Guru Granth Sahib like Jappu ji Sahib, Baramah, Bawan Akhri, Salok Kabir, Salok Farid, can be taken up. It will complete the subject in a reasonable time and it will not get lingered to eternity.
Katha should not linger on and on, and if it does so, its interest and benefit gets lost
Kathakar must use restraint to say any thing out of bias or prejudice. He or she should stay neutral, and non-judgmental. He or she must adopt soft and sweet language and should never use coarse and corrosive words. He should never point anyone out, but whatever he or she says should be general. Nothing insulting or degrading should be said against any faith or about anyone. He or she should keep above criticism. Subjects creating controversy or argument must be strictly avoided. Any opinion should be expressed in an acceptable and mild way.
Also, see on more pages in index.


In the presence of the Holy Book, only God, Guru, and Gurbani – Scriptures, should be discussed . Do not take up any other thing. When the Sikhs take the Holy Book as their ‘Living Guru,’ then they need to honor it that way by avoiding every thing that can generate bitterness. To maintain the sanctity of the prayer hall, it is better to discuss any other thing elsewhere, may be privately.
Any talk or discussion in the Sangat, in which a controversy can come up, should be reserved for the after Langar hours, so that those who are not interested or want to leave, are not delayed or deprived of the holy food.
Also, read on Page shown in index.