Gurudwara Qila Taragarh Sahib, Anandpur Sahib

Tarapur, a Village 5 km east of Anandpur (310 14N, 760 31`E) in Ropar district of the Punjab, is sacred to Guru Gobind Singh, who constructed a fortress here after his return from Paonta in 1688. He also had a baoli (open well with steps leading down to water level) dug to ensure supply of water for the garrison. The Taragarh Fort, one of a chain of defensive fortifications of Anandpur, is no longer in existence.


The commemorative shrine, Gurdwara Qila Taragarh, stands about 250 metres east of the Village, and is under the control of the Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee. Near the old baoh`on the bank of a small stream, stands the samadhi or cenotaph of Bhai Kanhaiya, a dedicated Sikh of Guru Gobind Singh`s time who served water and gave help to soldiers wounded in battle, without distinction of friend or foe.


Gurudwara Sri Qila Taragarh Sahib is situated on the outskirts of Sri Anandpur Sahib. Five km from Sri Anandpur Sahib it was built to stop the hill armies in advance. It was built on top of hill from where one can see activities of Kehlur fort.


City: Anandpur Sahib
State: Punjab
Country: India