Gurudwara Sahib Sikh Dharmak Sabha,Ipoh, Perak

In 1910, the Sikh sangat of Kuala Kangsar Road established the Sikh Dharmak Sabha. Ipoh. It’s main aims were (a) promote the Sikh religion, (b) celebrate various “Gurpurabs” (anniversaries) including the birth, accession to Gurudom (Gurgaddi) and demise of each of the ten Sikh Gurus, the first installation and accession to Gurudom of the Holy Book, “Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji”, and the birthday of the Khalsa, “Vesakhi” (c) to conduct engagements and marriages for Sikhs (d) to preach the Sikh religion and (e) to hold other religious functions as and when required by the Sikh sangat.

In 1910, this Sabha built a small Gurdwara Sahib at the 3rd Mile Kuala Kangsar Road on a piece of land that belonged to a Chinese individual. This Gurdwara Sahib was more popularly known as Gurdwara Sahib Bhathian Wala or Phethay. This was in reference to the brick kilns, which were situated in the vicinity. The Sikhs used this Gurdwara Sahib premises for nearly 70 years. In 1981, the Chinese owner repossessed his land as he wished to Develop it. He compensated the Sikh Sangat by giving them RM20,000.00 to build their Gurdwara Sahib elsewhere.

In 1981, the Sikh Sangat purchased a small wooden building with a zinc roof (without the land) from another Chinese owner, adjacent to the previous Gurdwara Sahib. This building was renovated and converted into a Gurdwara Sahib. There were about 20 Sikh families in this area at that time. This Gurdwara Sahib was large enough to accommodate the Sikh Sangat. In 1996, the owner of this land asked the Sikh Sangat to demolish the Gurdwara Sahib. This Gurdwara Sahib was vacated in 1997.

On 14 February 1996, the Sikh Dharmak Sabha was registered as “Persatuan Penganut-Penganut Sikh, Ipoh” vide Registration Number 4086 / 96 (State of Perak).
In 1998, the Sikh sangat rented a wooden building in the vicinity of the previous Gurdwara Sahib. These premises were used as a Gurdwara Sahib by the Sikh sangat for three years. The Government demolished this Gurdwara Sahib building in May 2001. In May 2001 the Sikh sangat a corner double storey shop lot. The first floor has been converted into the Darbar Sahib, which is about 2,400 square feet. All religious functions are presently being held here.

On 18 December 1995, the Sikh Dharmak Sabha purchased a piece of land Lot P.T. 123177 having an area of 5,029 square feet with a lease of 99 years. In 1996. the Sabha bought the adjacent piece of land Lot Number 4970N with an area of 2.261 square feet with a lease of 99 years in its own name. Lot Number P.T. 123177 was originally under the names of three Trustees; Sardar Koltar Singh, Sardar Nar Singh and Sardar Gian Singh. These three names were deleted in March 1998 and the Title Deed was transfelTed to “Persatuan Penganut-Penganut Sikh”, Jalan Kuala Kangsar, Ipoh, Perak the official registered name of this Sabha. Unfortunately, both these Lots are designated as Residential Properties. Thus a Gurdwara Sahib building cannot be built on them unless the Government ret2azettes these Residential Properties as a Temple Reserve.

The Management Committee comprises of the President, Secretary, Treasurer, their assistants and six committee members. Bhai Mangal Singh served here as a Granthi for more than 15 years before the Second World War. Bhai Niranjan Singh Vaid who also served as a Granthi for about 15 years succeeded him. There are presently about 80 Sikh families who participate in the religious activities of this Gurdwara Sahib.

The normal weekly prayers are held every Sunday from 6.30a.m. to 8.00a.m. and again in the evening from 7.00p.m. to 8.30p.m. Other religious programmes are held as and when required at the request of the Sangat.

Sikh Gurudwaras in Malaysia&Singapore
Saran Singh Sidhu AMN,PNM,FRNS


Country: Malaysia
Post Code: 30010
State: Perak