Gurudwara Sahib Sungei Siput Utara, Perak
The Sikhs who settled in the Sungei Siput Utara area in the 1920s were mostly dairy farmers or bullock cart drivers, which was the only mode of transportation in those early days. In 1930 these Sikhs built their Gurdwara Sahib on a piece of private land, not too far from the site of the present Gurdwara Sahib.
In the late 1970s, the Sikh Sangat acquired the present site of the Gurdwara Sahib, which is 2 Roods 36 Poles (0.725 acres) in size. The new Gurdwara Sahib building, a single storey brick structure was built in 1981. The new Gurdwara Sahib building was officially declared open by Datuk Seri S. Samy Vellu, the Minister of Works, on 20th September 1981. The cost of this Gurdwara Sahib building was RM52,000.00 out of which RM25,000.00 was donated by the Government.
In 1996, the Management Committee built a beautiful Angeetha Sahib (incinerator) specifically to cremate old worn-out copies of the Sikh Holy Book, Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, as well as other religious Pothis (books). The cost of this incinerator was approximately RM10,000.00.
In 1996, old, worn-out copies of the Sikh Holy Book and other religious Gutkas and Pothis were collected from various Gurdwara Sahibs in Malaysia and Singapore as well as Sikh homes. In January 1997, 301 copies of the Holy Book, “Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji”, as well as many worn-out religious books were cremated in the Angeetha Sahib after the ArDas (prayers) by the Granthi, Bhai Teja Singh.
On 20th February 1997, 111 Akhand Paths commenced in this Gurdwara Sahib, and finally concluded on 7′ June 1997. This was followed by the kirtan (singing of religious hymns) and Amrit Parchar. A jormela was held during this occasion, which was attended by a large number of Sikhs from all over Malaysia. This was repeated again in 1998 and 1999. This made the Total number of Akhand Paths which were read over a period of three years to 333 Akhand Paths.
The Sikh Sangat may bring their worn-out copies of the Sikh Holy Book, Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, Pothis, Gutkas and old Rumalas to this Gurdwara Sahib so that they can be respectfully cremated. Usually, a donation of a tin of ghee is required for the burning process. New copies of the Sikh Holy Book, Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, and other religious books may be acquired from the Management Committee by prior arrangement.
The first Granthi of this Gurdwara Sahib was Bhai Ala Singh (1930 – 1932). Bhai Teja Singh served as a Granthi here from 1932 to 1943. The next priest here was Bhai Teja Singh s/o Dalip Singh who served for nearly 47 years from 1943 to 1990. Giani Sukhbir Singh, popularly known as Baba Tir Wala, served as a Granthi in this Gurdwara Sahib from 1996 to early 2003.
The Management Committee comprises of the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and five committee members.
There are presently about 10 Sikh families who reside around the Sungei Siput Utara area who participate in the religious activities in this Gurdwara Sahib.
If a Sangrand falls on a weekday, it is celebrated in the evening from 6.00p.m. to 9.00p.m. If a Sangrand falls on a weekend, it is celebrated in the morning from 9.30a.m. to 12.00p.m. Other religious programmes are held as and when necessary at the request of the Sikh Sangat.
Sikh Gurudwaras in Malaysia&Singapore
Saran Singh Sidhu AMN,PNM,FRNS