Gurudwara Sri Janam Asthan Bhai Bidhi Chand Ji, Chheena

Gurudwara Sri Janam Asthaan Bhai Bidhi Chand ji  is situated in the Village chheena, district Tarn Taran Sahib. Bhai bidi chand ji was sikh follower who served Sri Guru Arjan Dev ji and Sri Guru HarGobind Sahib ji. Bhai Bidhi Chand ji was theif before becoming disciple of Guru Sahib. Bhai Bidhi chand ji is remembered for the his daring act of bringing back two horses Gulbag and Dilbag from fort of lahore. Sikh sangat had brought horses for Sri Guru HarGobind Sahib ji. But mughals captured those horses. Then Guru Sahib asked his sangat that who can dare to bring there horses back. At this point of time Bhai Bidhi Chand ji brought both the horses one by one back to Guru Sahib. After which Guru Sahib blessed Bidhi Chand ji as

bidi chand chinaa Guru ka sinaa “


Country: India
State: Punjab