Gurudwara Thara Sahib at Sakhi Sarwar Distt D.G.Khan
Guru Nanak Ji came to Sakhi Sarwar from D.I.Khan and the place where he stayed is known as Thara Sahib.
Sakhi Sarwar is about 400 kilometer from Lahore. It is also called by tj e name of “Nigaha” and a metalled road leads direct to this town from D.G.Khan. The railway station which serves it too. A semi cobbled road leads into the city. The place where Guru Nanak Ji had stayed is located in the compound of the tomb of Hazrat Sakhi Sarwar. Munshi Hukum Chand writes, “The Southwestern side is known by the name of Baba Nanak, while the other cells are on the eastern side” <p >
This sacred place lies between the mosque and mazar (tomb). The fair is held every year, but no recitation of Granth Sahib is done