Guru Nanak Dwara was founded in 1970 as an Ashram (spiritual learning center) committed to practicing both the Sikh way of life and Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan. In the early days, many of those attracted to Guru Nanak Dwara were the soul-searching youth of the consciousness revolution. Guru Nanak Dwara was unlike other collectives of the time as it provided a drug and alcohol free environment where spiritual discipline (daily Sadhana) and selfless service (Seva) were the means of peace, calm and delight. Bonds of support were formed through countless hours of meditation, singing, cooking, working and eating together.
In 1972, Darshan Singh Teji, a good friend of Yogi Bhajan’s, helped the Ashram members establish a Gurdwara. With loving attention, he instructed them in the proper care and ceremonies surrounding the Guru, which has proven to be a guiding light these many years. By 1980, the land where Guru Nanak Dwara currently resides, was purchased and the community focused on creating a ‘village lifestyle’, with many family dwellings surrounding the main center. By the mid-80s, Sikhs originally from Punjab India, were attracted in large numbers to Guru Nanak Dwara, mainly due to the feeling of peaceful contemplation emanating from the community’s practices.
The new Guru Nanak Dwara structure began in 1996 to provide the community with the infrastructure necessary for a bright and flourishing future, embracing the traditions of both East and West. The dynamic blend of a devotional Sadh Sangat (company of the holy), the sacred scriptures of the Sikhs, a healthy lifestyle, and Kundalini Yoga is unique and enables Guru Nanak Dwara to be a place of peace and refuge in service to the greater community.
AllAboutSikhs is a comprehensive web site on sikhism, sikh history and philosophy, customs and rituals,sikh way of life, social and religious movements. Based on the belief in One God, the Sikh religion recognizes the equality of all human beings, and is marked by rejection of idolatry, ritualism, caste and asceticism. This website serves to heighten the awareness of Sikhism and hopefully can be of some use to seekers of knowledge.
SearchGurbani brings to you a unique and comprehensive approach to explore and experience the word of God. It has the Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, Amrit Kirtan Gutka, Bhai Gurdaas Vaaran, Sri Dasam Granth Sahib and Kabit Bhai Gurdas. You can explore these scriptures page by page, by chapter index or search for a keyword. The Reference section includes Mahankosh, Guru Granth Kosh,and exegesis like Faridkot Teeka, Guru Granth Darpan .
Encyclopedias encapsulate accurate information in a given area of knowledge and have indispensable in an age which the volume and rapidity of social change are making inaccessible much that outside one’s immediate domain of concentration.At the time when Sikhism is attracting world wide notice, an online reference work embracing all essential facets of this vibrant faithis a singular contribution to the world of knowledge.