Gurdwara Sri Guru Singh Sabha – Dar-es-Salaam

Present Gurdwara Sahib in Dar-es-Salaam,Five K.M. From Shabaha(Slave-Market).SatGuru Nanak Sahib in Dar-es-Salaam, in 1519.The present city of Dar-es-Salaam was called Mizzima.The name of Dar-es-Salaam was given by Sultan of Zanzibar in 1866.The meaning of “Dar-es-Salaam” is The City of Peace.In 16th century it was governed by Sultan of Oman.When SatGuru Nanak Sahib went to Tanzania in 1519,the Sultan of Oman was Mohammed Bin Ismail.He was in the Shabaha area of Mizzima.He happened to meet Almighty SatGuru Nanak Sahib.SatGuru Nanak Sahib was holding Divan in the Later part of evening.He was singing “Maru Mahalla-I” on Holy Page No. 991 of SGGS. “Mul Khridi Lala Gola Mera Nao Subhaga—“The Almighty SatGuru was addressing to the slaves that it is he, who is the slave of God and not they.They are subjected to inhuman treatment by the traders from the Arab.He spoke to the Sultan in Arabic that the Slave are also human beings, and same blood run through their veins.There is no cleverness in you.You have not followed the order of the Almighty God.I am a slave,like you, to His order——-.The Sultan was moved from his heart, and fell to SatGuru’s feet.SatGuru forgave him, and ask him to free all the slaves, except ciminals. Like me, you would lie in the grave one day.Hence,after freeing the slaves, SatGuru left for Morogoro and Dodoma on their way to Tabora. “Lala” means “A Slave”. in Punjabi and”Falls Down or Lie Down” in Swaihili language( ref.pp 240,of “A Standard Swahili-English Dictionary, by Fredderick Johnson, published by Oxford University Press,Dar-Es Salam. Mukh Sewadar: Rattandeep Singh Cell no : + 255 713 296126 Email: Secretary:Pradeep Singh Cell no : + 255 715 382 639 Additional contacts: Iqbal SinghCell no : + 255 784 979 278 Email : ï Surinder Singh ChanaCell no :+ 255 713 320 464


City: Gerezani, Dar Es Salaam
Country: Tanzania