Gurudwara Chhevin Patshahi,Hafizabad City

This historic place is also known as Rori Sahib and Killa Sahib. It is situated in Mohalla Guru Nanakpur of Hafizabad City. This place holds a distinction that Patshah of Meeri and Peeri Sat Gur HarGobind Ji came here from Rasool Nagar while returning from Kashmir. The place where he took rest came to be called Rori Sahib and the spot where he tied his horse became known as Killa Sahib. For sometime it remained a mud building but afterwards Sangat built it with solid bricks. 40 ghumaon of land in Hafizabad and 28 ghumaon land in Village Batera is in the name of this Gurdwara since the Sikh rule. Over and above it the Kapur family has made endowment of a considerable estate to the Gurdwara. Once a fair used to be held on 18th of Har. Since a few years a grave has been erected inside the Darbar but no one is buried in it. It is an empty grave. It is called Lalan Wali Sarkar and thus the custom of holding an annual fair is maintained. 


Country: Pakistan
City: Hafizabad