A town in the old Malwa region of Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India, is Betma which has its historical importance in many ways. The Tamra Patra meaning a copper plate was donated to Raja Bhoja in the year 1020-1056 in this place. The famous Gurudwara Betma Sahib is situated here which has its importance due to the visit of the Great Guru Nanak Devji which paved way for a Gurudwara coming up in this place.
Betma means 'Sit mother'. The famous Guru Guru Nanak ji came here during the year 1567 and stayed for over six months and his place of stay has become a holy place and of much importance for the Sikh community.
Several Gurudwaras have come up in this holy city and one of them is the Betma sahib, which has its cultural and historical importance. The high devotion and dedication to the great saint has made this place more sacred, more so with the added degree of public visits and regular inflow of devotees, this has attained more prominence in recent days.
Betma is a town and also a Panchayat in the Indore District of Madhya Pradesh which is famous for its holy Gurudwara which carries a very special historic importance and Sikhs consider it to be more sacred for the Guru Nanak Devji had visited this place during his visit to Southern States and made a diversion to this area. One can find along with Betma Gurudwara, other Gurudwaras also in this special city which is now taken care by Sri Guru Singh Sabha of Indore. The nearby cities to this holy shrine are: Rewati, Sakar City, Solsindha, Dharampuri, and Indore.
AllAboutSikhs is a comprehensive web site on sikhism, sikh history and philosophy, customs and rituals,sikh way of life, social and religious movements. Based on the belief in One God, the Sikh religion recognizes the equality of all human beings, and is marked by rejection of idolatry, ritualism, caste and asceticism. This website serves to heighten the awareness of Sikhism and hopefully can be of some use to seekers of knowledge.
SearchGurbani brings to you a unique and comprehensive approach to explore and experience the word of God. It has the Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, Amrit Kirtan Gutka, Bhai Gurdaas Vaaran, Sri Dasam Granth Sahib and Kabit Bhai Gurdas. You can explore these scriptures page by page, by chapter index or search for a keyword. The Reference section includes Mahankosh, Guru Granth Kosh,and exegesis like Faridkot Teeka, Guru Granth Darpan .
Encyclopedias encapsulate accurate information in a given area of knowledge and have indispensable in an age which the volume and rapidity of social change are making inaccessible much that outside one’s immediate domain of concentration.At the time when Sikhism is attracting world wide notice, an online reference work embracing all essential facets of this vibrant faithis a singular contribution to the world of knowledge.