
The District of Ferozepur is situated in Punjab State of Northwestern India. It is 5300 Sq Km in area. It is surrounded by District Mukatsar in the South, Districts Faridkot and Moga in the East, District Ganganagar of Rajasthan State in the Southwest. On the Northeast side is River Sutlej which separates it from District Kapurthala. On the Northwest side is a united stream of Rivers Beas and Sutlej which separates it from District Amritsar. India – Pakistan Border is on the West side. The City of Ferozepur is the headquarter of this District.
The Ferozepur City was founded by Sultan Feroze Shah Tughluq (1351-1388), the third ruler of Tughluq dynasty (1321-1398) in the 14th Century from which the District got its name. The District is famous for Shaheed Bhagat Singh, Rajguru and Sukhdev (the Great Freedom Fighters of India) who were cremated on the banks of River Sutlej in Ferozepur on March 23,1931.
This District has been divided into 5 Tehsils and 7 Sub-Tehsils -Tehsils – Abohar , Fazilka , Ferozepur , Jalalabad , ZiraSub-Tehsils – Khuian Sarwar , Sito Guno , Araianwala Sheikh Subhan , Guru Harsahai , Makhu , Mamdot , Talwandi Bhai

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