Gurudwaras in New Jersey
If there are any omissions or errors in Gurudwara Sahibs listed in New Jersey or there are additional Gurudwaras in New Jersey, Please Contact Us with details.

A pressing need for a place of worship and communal service to cater for the needs of the community of Sikhs in Jersey City led to the setting up of “Nanak Naam Jahaj Gurdwara” in October 2008. The Gurudwara is conveniently located near “Indian Street” at Journal Square in Jersey City. Head Granthi – Bhai […]
Gurudwara Singh Sabha is the first Gurudwara Sahib that was established in the borough of Carteret in 1998. Since then, with Guru.s grace and sangat.s Devoted efforts, weekly diwans were recited every Sunday at CWV rental hall on Carteret Ave, Carteret, New Jersey. As a result of the relentless sewa by the sangat, the new […]
In a meeting on December 18, 1987 the local sangat of Mercer County decided to setup a Sikh Religious Association in the Hamilton area. The association was named the Central Jersey Sikh Association (CJSA), Inc. The association put most of its energy into organizing regular Kirtan programs and holding classes for children in Sikh History, […]