Gurudwaras in Perak
If there are any omissions or errors in Gurudwara Sahibs listed in Perak or there are additional Gurudwaras in Perak, Please Contact Us with details.

Baba Jawala Singh Ji was born in the Village of Santpur Chubki, P.O. Singh Bhagwantpur, Tehsil and District Ropar in Punjab around 1895. His father’s name was Bir Singh. Baba Ji served in the Indian Army for about five years. He started to keep the company of holy men and Sadhus. Baba Jawala Singh did […]
In the early years of the 20′ Century, the Sikhs around the Siputeh area were mainly tin mine workers, bullock cart drivers, or working in the Police Force. These Sikhs built the first Gurdwara Sahib in Siputeh around 1920. Sardar Khem Singh Roori and Sardar Nand Singh played an important role in setting up Gurdwara […]
Around 1940, a few Sikh families had settled at the 11/2 miles Jalan Teluk Intan (Teluk Anson) area near the Bidor Railway Station. Babu Arsa Singh Lalpur and Sardar Naar Singh with the assistance of these Sikhs, built a small Gurdwara Sahib building to serve their religious needs. Around 1950, the British resettled the Sikh […]
By the end of the 19th Century, there were only a few Sikhs residing in Kuala Kangsar. Most of them were self-employed while a few of them were in the Government Service or with the Police Force. These Sikhs built their first Gurdwara Sahib in Kuala Kangsar at No. 7B Jalan Taiping in 1890. This […]
The Malay States Guides (M.S.G.) in Larut, Taiping (Town of Taiping in the District of Larut), consisting mainly of Sikhs, was established in 1896. They had a Gurdwara Sahib in their premises. However, it was difficult for the civilian Sikhs to freely participate in the M.S.G. Gurdwara Sahib’s religious activities due to tight security. With […]
In the 1910s, the Sikh community residing around Tapah were mainly dairy farmers. These Sikhs set up a Building Fund Committee to build a Gurdwara Sahib, which comprised of Sardar Atar Singh Bhinder, Sardar Jemal Singh, Sardar Jagat Singh, Sardar Ram Singh, Babu Isher Singh and Sardar Partap Singh. This Gurdwara Sahib building was completed […]
Tronoh was a tin mining area in the 1920’s. Most of the Sikhs who settled here had family members who worked in these mines. By the 1930s, there were about 35 Sikh families in this town. Some of them were involved in dairy farming or were bullock cart operators. These Sikhs built a Sikh Gurdwara […]
In the late 19′ Century, there were several tin mines located in Batu Gajah and the Pusing / Papan area. The early Sikh arrivals were employed as general workers as well as security guards in these tin mines. Some of these Sikhs were also dairy farmers and bullock cart operators, which was then the main […]
*Inactive* The Gurdwara Sahib Bruas building was acquired around 1918. It is situated on a piece of land, which is about 11/2 acres in size. At that time, there was a flourishing Sikh community in Bruas, many of whom worked in the transport business or were cloth merchants. Most of these Sikh businessmen used to […]
In the early 1950’s, there were about 15 Sikh families residing in Bagan Serai. Most of them were employed as watchmen, in private business and in Government service. In 1955, Sardar Santa Singh’s land, which was 1 Rood and 3 Poles in size, was donated by his nephew to build a Gurdwara Sahib. The Gurdwara […]
In the early years of the 20th Century, there were a few Sikhs residing in the Jelapang area, mostly employed in the Police Force and various tin mines as general workers and watchmen. These Sikhs built a Gurdwara Sahib, a single storey wooden building with an attap roof in 1908. This Gurdwara Sahib was renovated […]
In the 1910’s, there was a large community of Sikhs in Chemor who were employed in the nearby tin mines. Some of these Sikhs were dairy farmers and bullock cart operators. The Gurdwara Sahib Chemor was built around 1914 to serve the religious needs of the Sikhs. The size of the Gurdwara Sahib premises is […]